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In this 5 video series we cover all the features of Moodtracker, from registering and logging in, to tips on reading the data effectively. You can watch the videos, here on the website or visit our YouTube channel to watch easily across all platforms.
Video 1 - Registration
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the first of this 6 video series, we will show you how to register your school with Moodtracker.

Video 2 - Customising your system for your school
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the second of this 6 video series, we will show you how to customise your Moodtracker by adding Class, Teachers and Students. We will also cover adding new emotional vocabulary to your system.

Video 3 - Installation
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the third of this 6 video series, we will show you how to install Moodtracker on a wall and most importantly advise you on where to install to get the best result.

Video 4 - Student Reports
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the fourth of this 6 video series, we will show you how to sort the data your pupils provide and also how to search for the data you need.

Video 5 - Class Reports
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the fourth of this 6 video series, we will show you how to sort the data your pupils provide and also how to search for the data you need.

Video 6 - School Reports
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the fourth of this 6 video series, we will show you how to sort the data your pupils provide and also how to search for the data you need.

Video 7 - Tips on spotting patterns
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the fifth of this 6 video series, we will provide tips and advice on spotting patterns in mood, so that teachers can be proactive in their pupils emotional lives.

Video 8 - Changing Moods
Welcome to Moodtrackers video tutorial series. In the last of this 6 video series, we will show you add and remove moods from the tablet and add the 'Something online' option.