Government has confirmed a continuation of the PE and Sport Premium, advised that schools should offer two hours of PE time a week, and set out new standards for equal access to sports for boys and girls. The government have also said that they want children taking part in competitive activity.
There will also be a new digital tool for PE and Sport Premium, to support schools in using the funding to the best advantage of their pupils, and allow the government to understand where further guidance is needed.
The government also is setting out new standards for equal access to sports and activity. Schools that successfully deliver equal opportunities will be rewarded through the School Games Mark, which will assess parity of provision in PE and extracurricular sport.
Ofsted will also be asked to include school PE when it looks at enrichment during inspections and will report when there are issues with equal access.

Rishi Sunak made a pledge during the first 2022 Conservative leadership campaign to ask Ofsted to assess PE in every school.
Healthy eating, physical activity and sport not only help tackle childhood obesity, but can also have a positive impact on pupils’ behaviour, attendance, concentration and attainment, helping children to reach their potential.
With this in mind, schools are being asked to offer a minimum of two hours curriculum PE time, up from the current 90 minutes.

However, schools could find it hard to find time for more curriculum PE time due to crammed timetables.
Which is where non timetabled activities and competitive games can prove vital in ensuring each and every child in your school gets 2 hours of physical activity every day.

As a digital resource that contributes towards teaching, supporting and promoting health and wellbeing amongst children, Energy wall and Activity Pod qualify for use of your Sports Premium Grant.
Our products have been designed to be used by anyone, with no special skills or abilities needed to take part. With a range of Sports and Mindful Activities we can help you on your mission in becoming a healthy and happy school.
Contact us now to secure your Energy wall and Activity Pod for 2023!